
Conference Presentations

Geeraert, K. (2017). As clear as day: The transparency of English idiomatic expressions. 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-14). Tartu, Estonia. July 10–14.


Geeraert, K. & K. Heylen. (2017). Perception in ICE: Exploring semantic variation across national varieties of English. 14th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-14). Tartu, Estonia. July 10–14.


Geeraert, K. & J. Newman. (2016). Variation in idiomatic variation: Exploring differences between speakers and idioms. 3rd Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation (ExAPP III), Vienna, Austria. September 21–24.


Geeraert, K., R. H. Baayen, & J. Newman. (2015). Accidentally spilled the bag: Investigating the comprehension of idiomatic variation. 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-13), Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. July 20–25.


Geeraert, K. (2014). Creativity in idiom production. Conceptual Sturcture, Discourse, and Language 12 (CSDL-12), Santa Barbara, USA. November 4–6.


Kyröläinen, A.-J. & K. Geeraert. (2013). The relationship between form and meaning: Modelling semantic densities of English monomorphemic verbs. 5th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics, Leuven, Belgium. Sept. 12–14.


Geeraert, K. & A.-J. Kyröläinen. (2013). Paradigmatic levelling in English: The influence of phonological neighbours. 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-12), Edmonton, Canada. June 23–28.


Hinnell, J. & K. Geeraert. (2013). ‘We’re done our project’ or ‘we’re done with our project’: Investigating the [be done X] and [be done with X] constructions in Canadian English. 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-12), Edmonton, Canada. June 23–28.


Geeraert, K. (2013). Verbs of visual perception: A univariate and multivariate approach. American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL), San Diego, USA. January 18–20.


Geeraert, K. (2012). 'I rung it' or 'I have rang it'? An Investigation of levelling in the English strong verb paradigm. Georgetown University Round Table (GURT), Washington, D.C., USA. March 8–11.


Geeraert, K. (2010). 'We've ran it': A cloze experiment investigating the use of past tense verb forms as past participles in English. Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation, Groningen, Netherlands. November 11–12.


Geeraert, K. (2010). 'I haven't eaten or drank anything': The use of the past tense as a past participle in Canadian English. The 16th Annual Conference of the International Association for World Englishes, Vancouver, Canada. July 25–27.


Ness, T. & K. Geeraert. (2010). Lighting the path: Providing diverse opportunities to diverse students. Student Advisor's Conference, Edmonton, Canada. March 10. 


Geeraert, K. (2009). 'I haven't drank in weeks': The use of past tense forms as past participles in English corpora. American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL), Edmonton, Canada. October 9.


Sun, C. C. & K. Geeraert. (2009). Basic locative constructions in Southern Min and Dinka Bor. Alberta Conference on Linguistics (ACOL), Banff, Canada. October 31.


Geeraert, K. (2006). Dinka narrative markers. Alberta Conference on Linguistics (ACOL), Banff, Canada. October 21.


Geeraert, K. & R. Kirchner. (2006). Downdrift in Dinka. Alberta Conference on Linguistics (ACOL), Banff, Canada. October 21.


Dorow, S., J. Newman, K. Geeraert, C. Fletcher, D. Barnet, & J. Williamson. (2006). Community Service-Learning: Linking research and teaching. 2nd Annual Canadian Summit on the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning. University of Alberta, Canada. May 4–6.



Workshop Presentations

Geeraert, K. (2011). Preterite or Participial Shift: An investigation of levelling in the English strong verb paradigm. Workshop on Cognitive and Usage-Based Approaches to Language. University of Alberta, Canada. October 6.


Poster Presentations

Geeraert, K., R. H. Baayen, & J. Newman. (2017). Understanding idiomatic variation. 13th Workshop on Multiword Expressions, Valencia, Spain. April 4.


Pudlubny, R., K. Geeraert, & B. V. Tucker. (2015). It’s all about, like, acoustics. 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Glasgow, Scotland. August 10–14.


Pudlubny, R., K Geeraert, & B. V. Tucker. (2014). 'It's all about, like, acoustics': Comparing like to like. 9th Mental Lexicon Conference, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada. September 30–October 2. 


Geeraert, K. (2012). 'I drunk' or 'I have drank': An investigation of levelling in the English strong verb paradigm. Linguistic Evidence Conference, Tübingen, Germany. February 9-11.


Invited Talks

Geeraert, K. (2016). 'The fat lady hasn't sung yet': A multi-methodological investigation of idiomatic variation. Computational Linguistics Laboratory, University of Pisa, Italy. May 4.


Geeraert, K. (2015). 'Put your mind to the grindstone': Exploring idiomatic variation using a multi-methodological approach. Centre for Languages and Literature, University of Lund, Sweden. April 21.


Geeraert, K. (2011). 'Have ran' or 'have run': Levelling in the English strong verb paradigm. English Language Research Group (ELRG), Department of Linguistics and English Language, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. November 4.


Dorow, S., K. Geeraert, & A. Paivalainen. (2007). Community Service-Learning: Linking local realities to global issues. Visiting Committee, University of Alberta, Canada. November 2.


Dorow, S., C. Fletcher, J. Newman, K. Geeraert, C. Lohnes, & M. Gusul. (2007). Unexpected passageways: Research through Community Service-Learning. University Teaching Services (UTS), University of Alberta, Canada. February 5.


Geeraert, K. & J. Newman. (2006). Documentation and analysis of Dinka narratives: A community-oriented approach. Visiting Committee, University of Alberta, Canada. November 9.